Release Testing: Verifying that the stage files are signed and verifiable

When testing a release candidate, it is necessary to test whether the stage files are signed and those are verifiable ( md5, sha and asc verification). This can be a tedious task if not automated.

This guide uses Apache Airavata project to demonstrate the examples. 

  • Download all the files(.zip, .tar.gz, .asc, .sha, .md5..etc) you need to test and store them all in that directory you created. ex: All the files from the Apache Airavata 0.11-RC3 (
  • SHA signing validation Create a bash script in the same folder and copy the code below
     for file in `find . -type f -not -name '*.asc' -not -name '*.md5' -not -name '*.sh' -not -name '*.sha'`
           gpg --print-md SHA512 ${file} | diff - "${file}"".sha" | echo "testing : $file"".sha" 
  • This code will verify the SHA signings.
  • MD5 validation 
     gpg --print-md md5 ${file} | diff - "${file}"".md5" | echo "testing : $file"".md5" 
  • ASC validation 
    gpg --verify ${file} 
  • You can have all these validations in one bash script if required. 


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